Dear BMS members,
I hope you are safe & healthy during this difficult time.
All you know that the whole world has been suffering from delta variant of COVID virus and struggling to control it. Even rich countries like Australia has been finding hard to manage the situation. Though Australia has money and it can provide financial, emotional and other supports and can look after its citizens. However poor countries like Bangladesh, COVID situation is far worse and grave. Our friends and relatives in Bangladesh are struggling-some of them lost their jobs, not able to provide food or basic treatment to their children, to their families; some of them are dying. It is impossible for Bangladeshi Government to provide financial support like Australia.

We all love our motherland Bangladesh and are still very involved emotionally & psychologically-cannot pass a single day without thinking of Bangladesh. We feel that we have some moral responsibility & obligation to help our friends and relatives who are in vulnerable situation in Bangladesh.
We request all of you to donate whole heartedly. Remember your generous donation can save a few lives. This time we decided to help poor people at the root level by providing food. We expect your donation by 19th August 2021. Account details are given below and please also see our poster.
BSB-062 622
Account-1054 3425
Please mention “Covid Donation for Bangladesh“
Thank you.
Dr Mehdi Farhan
General Secretary
Bangladesh Medical Society, NSW-BMS